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7. Abhinav Chandel, Vishrant Kumar, Jitendra Choudhary, Prachi Upadhyay, Dayarnab Baidya, Mitradip Bhattacharjee, Sankar Chakma*," Sono-Extracted Crystalline Nanocellulose Thin Film as Supporting Material for Fabrication of Highly Sensitive and Stable Flexible Sensors for Thermal Applications.", ACS Applied Engineering Materials, 2023.

6. Dayarnab Baidya, Shreya Dhopte, and Mitradip Bhattacharjee*. "Natural fiber selection using novel hybridized MCDM technique to use as substrate for flexible sensor." Materials Letters 341 (2023): 134258. [Impact Factor: 3]   
Dayarnab Baidya, Shreya Dhopte, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "Sensing System Assisted Novel PID controller for Efficient Speed Control of DC Motors in Electric Vehicle", IEEE Sensors Letters (Invited and Accepted) 2022, [Impact Factor: 2.35].
Dayarnab Baidya, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, Substrate Optimization of Flexible Temperature Sensor for Wearable Applications. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(15), 15393-15401. 2022. [Impact Factor: 4.32].

3. Priyanka Majumder*, Valentina Emilia Balas, Arnab Paul, and Dayarnab Baidya. "Application of improved fuzzy best worst analytic hierarchy process on renewable energy." PeerJ Computer Science 7 (2021): e453. [Impact Factor: 2.41]
2. Priyanka Majumder*,
Dayarnab Baidya and Mrinmoy Majumder. "Application of novel intuitionistic fuzzy BWAHP process for analyzing the efficiency of water treatment plant." Neural Computing and Applications 33.24 (2021): 17389-17405. [Impact Factor: 5.102]
1. Priyanka Majumder*, Arnab Paul, Pratik Saha, Mrinmoy Majumder,
Dayarnab Baidya, and Dhritiman Saha. "Trapezoidal fuzzy BWM-TOPSIS approach and application on water resources." Environment, Development and Sustainability (2022): 1-22. [Impact Factor: 4.080]


10. Dayarnab Baidya, Athul Krishnan, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "Design and Optimization of Low Noise Amplifier Circuit for Sensor Applications," 3rd International IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2025), Hyderabad, India, 20 - 22 January 2025.

9. Dayarnab Baidya, Athul Krishnan, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "Novel MCDM Scheme for Optimal Design of Low Noise Amplifier," 2024 IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering (RASSE), Taichung, Taiwan, 06-08 November 2024.

8. Dayarnab Baidya, Karthick Thiyagarajan, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, Yang An, "Optimizing Transistor Selection Using AH-TOR for Low Noise Amplifier Design in Sensing Applications", 2024 17th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST), Sydney, Australia, 9 - 11 December 2024.
7. Dayarnab Baidya, Shivansh Singh, Saheli Roy, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "In-circuit Resistive Components for Temperature Sensing Application", 2nd International IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2024), Goa, India, 22 - 24 January 2024.
6. Dayarnab Baidya, Shreya Dhopte, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "A Novel Scheme Based on Optimization for Controlling the Speed of PMBLDC Motor ", IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (IEEE – iSES), Ahmedabad, India, 18 - 20 December 2023.
5. Athul Krishnan,  Dayarnab Baidya, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "Flexible Low Noise Amplifier for IoT Applications in Biomedical Devices", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering, Kerala, India, 8-11 November 2023.
4. Dayarnab Baidya, Shreya Dhopte, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "Novel PID Controller for Electric Vehicles ", IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2023), Bengaluru, India, 23 - 25 January 2023.
3. Lakhvir Singh,
Dayarnab Baidya, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, “Structurally Modified PDMS-based Capacitive Pressure Sensor”, IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS - 2022), Vienna, Austria, 10 - 13 July 2022.
Dayarnab Baidya, Athul Krishnan, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "Low Noise Amplifier for the Wearable IoT Sensing System", 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT), NewDelhi, India, 23-25 September 2022.
1. Kamalesh Tripathy, Kamran Habib,
Dayarnab Baidya, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "Microheater Structures to Achieve Uniform Temperature Distribution for Flexible Gas Sensing Application", 6th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Bangalore, India, 11-14,December 2022.

Book Chapters

2. Dayarnab Baidya, Ruchee Bhagwat, Mitradip Bhattacharjee*, "The Use of the Cognitive Internet of Things in Smart Sensing Applications", Cognitive Sensors: Vol 1 Intelligent Sensing, Sensor Data Analysis and Applications. 2022. IOP Publishing.
1. Dayarnab Baidya*, Rupam Gupta Roy. "Speed control of DC motor using fuzzy-based intelligent model reference adaptive control scheme," Advances in communication, devices and networking, 2018. Springer.
Note:  *  shows the corresponding author.

Technical Contents

4. Design and Realization of Wide Field-of-View 3D MEMS LiDAR
Biomimetic Optical Tactile Sensing With the TacTip: A Review
2. Metal-Organic Framework Materials Coupled to Optical Fibers for Chemical Sensing: A Review
1. A Novel Differential Capacitive Humidity Sensor on SIW Re-Entrant Cavity Microwave Resonators With PEDOT:PSS Film

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